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    POM WR25ZTPV抗UV PMMA GR04940、→,PBT T843FR 、→,PP BP2200、→,EPDM 4969 、POM MR25B、‖。PP 3020FL、PA66 VC006、ABS AX06484X、‖。PEI EFL34HL-BK、‖。PA66 FR52G20LX、→,EBA 17BA07、‖。PC EXRL0627、PA66 PA313G43、‖。IXEF 1622/9003、→,PA12 GF30L、‖。PC/ABS MP-5000AMG、PC RS-3001R、PA66 FR370、PC 301V-10、‖。TPE TPSD300-70A、‖。TPV X5725B、PA66 RF007ESS、‖。PP K6712、‖。PBT X9410、‖。PP K7708、‖。POM 100ST、PETG GN120、‖。PP 1205、‖。PA6 PK0069、‖。PP RP127K 、‖。PA6 N-33FG-1626、‖。PC HP4-1H11、→,PP RB31D、‖。TPEE 82D、→,ASA FR-2AWT209、PCN-2001W、‖。PA6 K224-G6U、PP FS2011E2 、LDPE LD-18AS、‖。PP 100LMB、‖。POM CFX-0261、‖。PP R390Y MPE 1023、‖。PC DF005、TPE CA3-7001、HDPE HD5620TPR EPK70A 、‖。PP C300S4BK、→,LLDPE 2022L、PC 1303-10C、→,LLDPE 、→,PP TKC156N、→,GPPS PS-130、→,PVDF DS204、PC 3022U(02) PA9T GA2330 PA10T XE 4101POE 8150、‖。TPE TF8AAE、PC G2510 ETFE HT-2183、‖。PP PX-617、‖。COC 5013S-04、‖。PC G-3410、→,PP EP648VOBC 9100、‖。PP C370B73、‖。PA66 LSG-440A、‖。PBT 5202HF、‖。PC SC-1220R、→,PA12 1080BI64、PC/ABS T64、→,PP 7985、LDPE 2303-FG、PC/ABS HP-5004、PEEK150CA30[2]30% cabon fibe einfoced, high tematue esistant, igid and good stength, suitable fo mechanical, electical, automotive, chemical and othe chemical esistant engineeing poducts150CA40Injection molding, extusion gade, 40% cabon fibe einfoced, high igidity, high tematue esistance, used in engineeing pats150PCoating gade, low viscosity, powde, uneinfoced, cystal type, UL94V-0, use tematue above 160 centigade, suitable fo metal coating380GExtusion and coating gade. Medium viscosity, mixtue, uneinfoced, cystalline, UL94V-0, using tematue above 160 degees centigade. Suitable fo monofilament and eal pupose extuding engineeing pats, especially metal wie coating380PCoating and coating. Medium viscosity, powde, uneinfoced, cystalline type, UL94V-0, tematue above 160 degees, suitable fo monofilament and eal extusion engineeing components, such metal wie coating.450CA30Injection enhancement gade. The mixtue pellet, 30% cabon fibe einfoced, h good igidity and beaing poty. When the tematue is above 250 degee, the highest tematue can each 315 degees UL94V-0. It h good toughness, high stength, good chemical coosion esistance and ft molding cycle.150FC30Injection molding, extusion gade, 30% cabon fibe einfoced, high igidity, high tematue esistance, good lubicity, used an engineeing component450GInjection gade, non enhancement, high viscosity, mixtue of mixtue, cystal type, UL94V-0, use tematue above 160 degees C, high stength450PInjection gade, powde, featue and use with 450G450GL20Incee the injection level. Compound ganula mateial, 20% gls fibe einfoced, heat esistance and flexual modulus highe than 450G band, high stength and stiffness, use450GL30The tematue is at 250 centigade, UL94V-0. It is suitable fo mechanical, chemical, electical and othe engineeing poducts, and also used fo extuded poducts.D150CA30New poduct, enhance injection gade. Gls fibe and cabon fibe einfoced, mixtue, good fluidity, good heat esistance, the continuous use of tematue 250 degees, up to 300 degees centigade. Suitable fo mechanical, electical and othe high quality thin-walled engineeing poductsD150GNew poducts, injection gade. Mixed ganula mateials, good fluidity, good heat esistance, the use of tematue 250 degees, mechanical poties ae stable.D150GL30New poduct, injection enhancement gade. 30% gls fibe einfoced, mixtue paticles.D450HT15New poducts, all kinds of good fomance, suitable fo heavy load application of engineeing poducts, can eplace moe taditional metalD450HF30450GL10New poduct, enhanced injection gade, 10% gls fibe, good stength and igidity, high heat esistance, fo mixtue ganula mateialKX3New poducts, injection gade. Mixtue of ganula mateials. Engineeing poducts suitable fo beaingLC1006Injection enhancement, 30% cabon fibe einfoced, high tematue esistance, good igidity and stength, suitable fo mechanical, electical, chemical, automotive and othe lubicants.LF1006Injection enhancement gade, 30% shot cut fibe, featues and uses with LC1006LFL4036Injection enhancement, 45% shot cut fibe and PTFE, high tematue esistance, igid and stong stength, suitable fo mechanical, electical, automotive, chemical and othe poducts.LL4530Injection enhancement, 20% silicone esin, high tematue esistance, igid and stong stength, suitable fo mechanical, electical, automotive, chemical and othe lubicants.PDX79737Injection enhancement gade, 30% shot cut gls fibe einfoced, high tematue esistance, igid and good stength. Suitable fo mechanical, electical, automotive, chemical poductsPDX79738Injection enhancement gade, 30% cabon fibe, featues and uses with the same PDX79737PDX81319Injection enhancement gade, 15% cabon fibe, featues and uses with the same PDX79737PDX81336Injection enhancement gade, 45% cabon fibe and PTFE filling enhancement, othe PDX79737PDX81338Injection molding enhancement, 20%PTFE filling, high tematue esistance, igid and stong stength, suitable fo mechanical, electical, chemical, automotive and othe chemical coupling engineeing poductsPDX8722920% shot gls fibe filled, high tematue esistant, igid and good stength, suitable fo mechanical, electical, chemical, automotive and othe lytic stability of the engineeing poductsPDX8746115% shot gls fibe filled, high tematue esistant, igid and good stength, suitable fo mechanical, electical, chemical, automobile and othe tensile and extensibility engineeing poductsWA40Injection enhancement, 40% aluminum chip filling, high tematue esistance, good igidity and stength, suitable fo mechanical, electical, automobile, chemical and othe good lubicants.WC-1006Injection enhancement, 30% cabon fibe einfoced, high tematue esistance, igid and stong stength, suitable fo mechanical, electical, automotive, chemical and othe antistatic poductsPMMA plates ae called acylic boads, and all kinds of PMMA mateials ae eally efeed to acylic.Acylic type of oganic glsAcylic boad (acylic plate): accoding to the polymeization pocess, it is divided into cting plate (ct sheet) and extuded plate (extuded sheet), in which the high molecula weight of the pouing plate is moe igid and cack esistant, so it is moe suitable fo pocessing lage-size signs. In addition, the cting pocess is moe suitable fo the poduction of small batch plates with diffeent colos. The extuded plate h low molecula weight and high flexibility, and is suitable fo vacuum pltic molding. Extusion pocess can contol sheet thickness bette, and poducing lage batch of monochomatic plates is moe economical.Acylic (PMMA) accoding to tansmittance and can be divided into pue tanspaent plate, coloed tanspaent plate, a tanslucent plate (such colo palette); accoding to the suface gloss, it can be divided into high light plate, plate and plate (also known extinction silk matte boad); accoding to the poties of acylic boad can also he odinay boad, anti punching plate, plate, plate and anti ultaviolet smoldeing high wea-esistant plate etc..Acylic poties of oganic glsOganic gls: with cystal tanspaency, light tansmission ate of moe than 92%, with a dye coloed acylic (acylic) and good colo effect, in addition, acylic (PMMA) h excellent weatheability, high suface hadness and suface gloss and high tematue fomance is good. Acylic boad h good pocessability. It can be used fo hot foming (including molding, blow molding and vacuum molding), and also fo machining, dilling, cutting and so on. The mechanical cutting and caving with micocomputes can not only impove the machining pecision, but also make the pattens and shapes that can not be completed in the taditional way. In addition, the acylic plate can be le cutting and le engaving to make poducts with peculia effect.Tanspaent acylic plate h a tanspaent light ate compaable to that of gls, but the density is only half of the gls. Besides, it is not fagile gls. Even if it is destoyed, it does not fom shap fagments like gls. The wea esistance of the acylic plate is close to the aluminum mateial, which is not egulaly cooded by a vaiety of chemicals. Acylic boad h good pintability and spayed poty. Suitable pinting, such sceen pinting and spaying pocess, can give acylic poducts (acylic poducts) the ideal suface decoation effect.Afte the tansfomation of the special acylic sheet can absob ultaviolet light, in addition to smoldeing acylic (acylic) can help to ovecome specific places of fie hazad, high anti impact stength. Stamping is 6 to 10 times acylic, acylic plate suface afte ulta wea special teatment can withstand extemely hash test.The above acylic sheet I make it widely used in aviation, automotive, electon, medical, chemical, building mateials, sanitay wae, advetising signs and othe industies, ae widely used in the manufactue of vaious poducts: acylic, oganic gls display (such : cosmetic display, mobile phone display ack, display ack, watch glses display), chest cad, gift boxes, display, signs, sign fame, acylic keychain, jewely boxes, jewely boxes, coloful, tanspaent box, acylic light boxes, funitue accessoies, at band, acylic wate cluste box, acylic aquaium, bathtubs, gls cafts, medals, acylic plexigls poducts, acylic poducts, acylic cosmetic box etc..Acylic acylic (acylic) boad and advetising signsWhethe we want to set up a multinational company o a small shop, factoy o office in the wold, we need a duable, stiking, unique and economic sign. The excellent compehensive poties of PMMA acylic (acylic) plate can fully meet the above equiements. The acylic light box is smooth, light and bight, so it is not only eye-catching, but also can save enegy. Acylic luste makes the acylic lamplight label special eye-catching duing the daytime without lights. It is also ey to pocess, and choose the appopiate vaiety pocessing way to make all kinds of light boxes o signs. The acylic lamp box is duable and can be used fo moe than ten yeas in the outdoo. The installation, maintenance and maintenance ae also vey convenient. The cleaning method of the acylic light box sign is vey simple: it can be scubbed with soap and soft cloth. But not used cloth o had b, the damage to the oganic gls.McDonald's estauants all ove the wold use the colo and modeling of oganic gls acylic signboads. BP also uses oganic gls a sign. The famous depatment stoe side chain stoes also used diffeent Matha tanspaent acylic oganic gls plate in the wold moe than 400 stoes with eye-catching signs.The intoduction of all tanspaent chsis and multicolo chsis



