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    PA6 K223-TP4≌TPV抗UV ‖。PP RX-10000、PP 35LL400、‖。PP T40H550、PBT 2000、‖。ABS AX4000、‖。PC/ABS T85、HDPE DFDC-7525、→,PC/ABS QX7005、PA66 LD910、PC 141R BK、ABS NT-7310、PC/ABS XCY620S-76701、PA6 C442V、→,LLDPE L91507E2、→,TPV X-4355、PC LC120 BK、PP 518P、HDPE 5121B、‖。PC/ABS 、PP 60CSR-2、→,PP PF7351、‖。PA6 GP2130AE、‖。PP F2011、‖。PC S-1000R、‖。PPO LTA1350-701、PP EG102AI、PA66 RAL23、ABS EX75、‖。POM TD-35、PP H103-00PPO 731、→,PMMA CTG615、HDPE AS55-003L、→,PC/ABS FR3020W 、PP 1500X-01 PPO X1915、PBT KP212G30V0HI、→,PC GF8002、HDPE 5502Z、→,MDPE LD1333、LDPE CP879-01、→,PC/ABS EMI2580.5CFR、EVA 1221、PC/、PP ML004 L、PP P50N07、‖。PC G4F23R、→,PBT B600 、‖。TPU 85AJ、‖。PBT 303RA M、PA6 C38F、‖。TPE KP3547、→,POM C13021LS10/1570 、→,PPS P0813A‖。 PA-538、‖。PC FXD171R WH、‖。PA66 HI2202B、→,LLDPE M90、‖。PC 500-7040、→,PA6 PB300G33SEBS 4033、‖。PC BFL2000、‖。TPU EA4003、→,PC/ABS NS5000、PA6 1011H1、‖。PP Z432、‖。PC HP1R-1H112、‖。ABS HI-121H BK、‖。TPU CA117-200DP、TPU EA6003PPO S10076、→,POM C9021GV1/30 、PC EXRL0404 BK、PPS appea non pola o weak pola chaacteist, so PPS electical insulation, dielectic, and chemical esistance is also vey pominent; fouth, because PPS h good compatibility with many polymes and additives, can be modified by vaious means, in ode to impove its mechanical poties and othe poties.PPS pltic mateialPPS is abbeviated PPS in English. It is a new high-fomance themopltic esin. It h the advantages of high mechanical stength, high tematue esistance, chemical esistance, good combustion stability, good themal stability and excellent electical poties. [1-2] is widely used in the fields of electon, automobile, machiney and chemical industyPoduct intoductionMain usesMolding poty1. amophous mateial, the moistue absoption is small, but it should be dy afte foming.2. the fluidity is between ABS and PC, the solidification is ft, the shinkage is small, and it is eily decomposed, and highe injection pessue and injection speed ae selected. The mold tematue is 100-150 degees. The main channel ta should be lage and the channel should be shot.The scope of application can be used to make mateials such PPS tube, PPS plate and so on. It is used in building and home.Chaacteistic(1) the common chaacteist of PPS pltic mateialPPS is a white powde with an aveage molecula weight of 0.4-0.5 million and a density of 1.3-1.8 gams cubic centimete, and PPS h a vey intentional themal fomance. With the themal fomance of gls fibe einfoced post is highe, its highest continuous use tematue up to 400 degees, the themal stability of PPS is good, the weight loss is not obvious when heated to 500 degees to 700 degees, when the complete degadation of its mechanical poties with tematue ising a little eduction in 232 degee heat aging by 5000h afte keeping the flexual stength and tensile stength can be moe than 50%. The tensile stength, flexual stength of PPS is medium level in engineeing plt, and the elongation and impact stength is vey low, so the use of PPS in the stess components usually added additives, such gls fibe, cabon fibe and fille to enhance the mechanical poties of PPS though this modification, the main mechanical poties, such the tensile poties, flexual poties, compession and impact stength ae inceed, the elongation deceed, the modified PPS can maintain the mechanical poties and high dimensional stability in the long-tem load and themal load, and it can be used in high tematue stess envionment.The dielectic constant of PPS is vey small, vey low dielectic loss, suface esistivity and volume esistivity is not sensitive to the change of fequency, tematue, humidity, electical insulating mateials is excellent, its esistance to Fox time is longe, the chemical stability of PPS is quite good, in addition to the stong oxidig acid such sulfuic acid, eosion concentated nitic acid and aqua egia, most of it fom the eosion of acid salt, chemical stability is close to PTFE. When the PPS is insoluble in any known oganic solvent at less than 175 degees, thee is no cack in the pltic pat when it is in contact with the eal oganic solvent.PPS, the molecula chain is composed of zene ing and sulfu atom altenately, h the effect of flame etadancy and can each the level of UL-94-VO level without the addition of flame etadant. Its limiting oxy index is 44%-53%. It is simila to PVC. It is a self extinguishing pltic. PPS is also stable fo ultaviolet and adiation. It will not stick o decompose when iadiated.The main shotcomings of PPS ae poo toughness, low impact stength and unstable melt viscosity.PPS pltic aw mateial manufactueChaacteistic(1) eal fomance: PPS is a kind of white, high cystallinity, had and bittle polyme, and the elative density of pue PPS is 1.3, but it will incee afte modification. PPS h a vey small wate absoption ate, which is only about 0.03%.ABS Clsification:Accoding to the impact stength, ABS can be divided into su high impact type, high impact esistance type, medium impact type and so on.Accoding to the diffeence of molding pocess, ABS can be divided into injection, extusion, calendeing, vacuum, blow molding and so on.ABS can also be clsified into: eal, heat esistant, electoplating, flame-etadant, tanspaent, antistatic, extuded, and tube gade.puposeThe lagest applications of ABS esin ae automobiles, electonic appliances and building mateials. The use of automobile field includes automobile dhboad, exteio boad, inteio decoation boad, steeing wheel, sound insulation boad, doo lock, bum, ventilation pipe and many othe pats. In electical appliances, it is widely used in efigeatos, TV sets, whing machines, ai conditiones, computes, copies and othe electonic appliances. In building mateials, ABS pipe, ABS sanitay wae and ABS decoative boad ae widely used in building mateials industy. In addition, ABS is also widely used in packaging, funitue, spots and entetainment poducts, machiney and instument industy.ABS esin is widely used in automobile industy. Electic instument industy and machiney industy, often used fo gea, auto pats, fendes, handails, efigeato line, blades, beaings, handles, pipes, joints, instument shell, dhboad, bin safety helmet: in the application of electical household appliances and equipment boade. Such TV, adio, efigeato, feeze, whing machine, ai conditione, vacuum cleanes and vaious small appliances equipment: daily necessities have shoes, bags, tavel box, office equipment, toys and all kinds of containes, low foaming ABS can eplace the wood, suitable fo building mateials, funitue and household goods.Because of its compehensive fomance and good pocessing, ABS h its footpint in a wide ange of applications, such :1. Automobile industyMany pats of the ca industy ae made of ABS o ABS alloys, such the Santana in Shanghai, each with ABS11kg, and thid of the plt used in the ca. In othe vehicles, the use of ABS is also emakable. In 2000, the amount of ABS used fo automobiles eached 35 thousand tons in China. The main pats of the ca use ABS the dhboad PC/ABS the skeleton, and the suface is again made of PVC/ABS/BOVC film. In addition, a lage numbe of ca accessoies in the use of ABS, such glove box, glove box sembly is made of heat-esistant ABS, the theshold lowe tim, wate tank cove made of ABS, thee ae a lot of pats using ABS aw mateial.2, office machineBecause ABS h high gloss and fomability, office equipment machines need beautiful appeaance and good handle, such telephone shell, memoy shell, and computes, fax machines, duplicato, all of which ae made of ABS pats.3. Household appliancesBecause ABS h high gloss and ey molding, so in home appliances and small appliances have a boad maket, such fax machines, audio, VCD h a lage selection of ABS aw mateials, cleane in many ABS poduction pats ae also used, kitchen appliances ae also substantial use of pats made of ABS.The main body of the pltic ABS is the blend of , butadiene and styene, o the thee element copolyme. It is a tough and igid themopltic. Styene h good plticity, luste and igidity fo ABS. makes ABS have good heat esistance, chemical coosion esistance and suface hadness. Butadiene h good impact stength and low tematue esilience fo ABS. The atio of the thee components is diffeent, and its fomance changes.1, fomance chaacteistABS h good impact stength and suface hadness in a cetain tematue ange. It h good dimensional stability, cetain chemical esistance and good electical insulation. It is opaque, usually pale ivoy colo, can be made with high gloss colo coloed by any othe poducts, the appeaance of electoplating plating, vacuum coating and othe decoative. eal pupose ABS is immeable and slow buning, buning softening, flame yellow and black smoke. At lt, chacoal and special smell, but no melting and dopping, it can be pocessed by injection, extusion and vacuum molding.2, ank and usePltic ABS accoding to diffeent uses can be divided into eal level (including the impact), flame etadant, heat esistant, electoplating gade, tanspaent, stuctual foam and modified ABS. The eal level fo the manufactue of geas, beaings, handle, machine shell and components, vaious instuments, computes, adio, TV, telephone and othe enclosues and toys; flame etadant used in the manufactue of electonic components, such compute, machine shell and vaious household appliances; the stuctue of foam gade cing fo electonic device manufactuing; used in the manufactue of heat powe plant(1) annealingWhen pltic ABS is fomed, intenal stess is eily fomed, and the stess concentation is ey to cack afte coating. Annealing teatment o whole suface teatment can be used to eliminate stess. Annealing teatment is to heat the ABS pltic molding pats below the themal defomation tematue, that is 60 degees C, heat pesevation 2H. In ode to educe the investment of equipment, the suface teatment can be used to impove the suface condition. The fomulation and pocess of the whole suface teatment ae listed in Table



