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    PP PPH300G6▂TPEE耐由 ‖。TPE TD3PSN、→,PA66 GF50-0111P10/11 、TPE 3555B/N、→,PESU 3300、‖。PMMA IG840、→,PTFE 2500、‖。PA12 L2123、‖。PA66 RFI12、HDPE GA2850、→,POM MG210 、‖。PP K3004、EVA LD-325、‖。PA66 KDP1000、‖。PPS FZ-1140-K4‖。 110、‖。ABS TM-21、‖。PA66 RN001XXC、PP MV007U 、→,XLPE ATP/130、→,AS HR-5330S、HDPE L5040AS、‖。PA66 A218V35、ABS P2MCPA46 N2030N NC、→,PPE A0100、‖。TPE SE-130AN、PC 101R、→,PC/ABS CV701 、PBT PDR49258、TPE 5035D 、‖。TPV 111-90、PBT 463、→,PC 、‖。PA66 A3X2G10、PC/ABS C6600、‖。PP Q100F、→,TPU MH24-45、‖。PP AX668、‖。PMMA IF850、HDPE T60-500 、‖。PP K8003、PA6 KNX1014、PC S3000、→,PP PT4N1、→,TPU C85A11FG、‖。PPO 300V BK、HDPE BA50-100、‖。PA66 CM1014-V0 G2895、EVA EV-600、ASA LI970、‖。PA66 RF006XXH、ABS KU200、→,EVA B028、PP MV008SU 、‖。PP SB-530、POM A25-03、‖。TPU S64DG、‖。TPV S-350B、‖。POM YF-20 K(Q)胶 NSBC210、→,TPEE 8394、‖。TPE 3623A、→,PTFE 悬浮细粉、PA6 BG-15/2、HDPE H6018(Film)、‖。PP PE300N、‖。PC ML3732、‖。PA66 158L、‖。TPU X-590A-31、→,ASA TW30、‖。PA6 1022MT2、PC/ABS Pltic teatmentThe wate absoption ate of PC pltic mateial is lage, it must be peheated befoe pocessing, pue PC dying at 120 degees C, and the modified PC is eally dy fo moe than 4 hous at 110 C. The dying time should not exceed 10 hous. It is eally possible to judge whethe dying is sufficient by ai extusion. The popotion of ecycled mateials can each 20%. In e ces, 100% of the ecycled mateials can be used, and the actual weight depends on the quality equiements of the poducts. Recycled mateials cannot be mixed with diffeent colo at the same time, othewise it will seiously damage the poduct poties.Selection of injection molding machinePC pltic poducts due to cost and othe pects, using modified mateials, especially electical poducts, but also incee the fie fomance, in flame etadant PC and othe pltic alloy poducts molding, injection molding machine fo the plticig system equiements ae mixed, good coosion esistance, the conventional plticig scew to do, at the time of puche, must be stated in advance.Design of mold and gateCommon mold tematue is 80-100 degees, plus gls fibe is 100-130 degees, small poducts can be needle shaped gate, gate depth should have 70% of the thickest pat, and othe gates have ing and ectangle. The bigge the gate, the bette, to educe the defects that the pltic is ovely cut. The depth of the exhaust hole should be less than 0.03-0.06mm, and the flow path is shot and ound possible. The deviation of the die is usually about 30 '-1.Melt TematueThe pocessing tematue can be detemined by the method of ai injection. The eal pocessing tematue of PC plt is 270-320 C, and e modified o low molecula weight PC pltic mateials ae 230-270 C.Injection speedMoe apid injection speed molding, such an electical switchgea. It is common fo slow - apid pototyping.Back pessueThe back pessue aound 10ba can be educed poly in the absence of ai lines and coloing.Detained timeWhen the time is too long at high tematue, the mateial will be educed and put CO2 into yellow. Do not use LDPE, POM, ABS o PA tube cleaning machine. Use PS to clean up.Mattes needing attentione modified PC pltic aw mateials, because the numbe of ecycling too much (molecula weight eduction) o a vaiety of ingedients mixed uneven, ey to poduce dak bown liquid bubble. [1]fomance and usephysical chaacteistPC is a kind of amophous engineeing mateial. It h excellent impact stength, themal stability, gloss, inhibition of bacteial chaacteist, flame etadancy and pollution esistance. The gap of PC's otched Izod impact stegth is vey high, and the contaction ate is vey low, eally 0.1%~0.2%.chemical potiesPC h vey good mechanical poties, but the flow chaacteist ae poo, so the injection pocess of this mateial is difficult. The final expectation of the poduct should be bed on the quality of the PC mateial. If the pltic pats equie high impact esistance, low flow ate PC mateial is used, othewise, high flow ate PC mateial can be used, so that the injection pocess can be optimized.PC pltic mateial is a new type of themopltic, with a tanspaent degee of 90%, which is known a tanspaent metal. It is igid and esilient, with high impact stength, high dimensional stability and wide ange of sevice tematue, good electical insulation, heat esistance and innocuity. It can be injected and extuded. PC plt have excellent themal poties and can be used fo a long time between -100 C and -130 C, and the embittlement tematue is below -100 C.Although polyca h the chaacteist of esistance to cacking and dug esistance, high tematue is ey to lyze, poo compatibility with othe esins, and poo lubicity, it can be modified by adding othe esins o inoganic filles, esulting in excellent fomance.PEEK PEEK fibe (including monofilament) industial filte cloth, industial b and othe poducts. In the field of composite mateials, the cham of PEEK fibe lies in its themopltic and high tematue esistance. In addition to heat esistance in industial filte and industial bes, its cham is still in its chemical esistance and wea esistance.7. The field of medical analysis instumentsBecause of the high pessue steilization of PEEK can be epeated, in the medical device can be used in the manufactue of endoscope pats, dental scales etc.. In addition, because of the high stength and low solubility of PEEK, it h been used in the analysis of liquid chomatogaphy column, tube, accessoies and so on. Moeove, because of the good compatibility of PEEK with the human body, the atificial bone mateial h succeeded in eplacing the taditional titanium metal.Test method of physical fomance ating unit systempopotion- 1.28 to 1.38 g/cm3 TM D79223 degees C 1.26 to 1.38 g/cm3 ISO 1183Melt flow ate (400 C/2.16 kg) 2 to 36 g/10 min TM D1238Dissolving volume flow ate (MVR) (380 degee C/10.0 kg) 14.1 to 23.8 cm3 /10min ISO 1133Shinkage ateFlow: 23 C 1.2 to 1.5% TM D955Tansvese flow: 23 C 1.4 to 1.9% TM D955Test method of physical fomance ating unit systemDensity 1.29 g/cm3 ISO 1183Contaction ate - flow 1.2% ISO 294-4Wate absoption ISO 62Satuation, 23 degee C 0.50%Balance, 23 C, 50% RH 0.20%Test method of mechanical fomance ating unit systemTensile modulus (23 degee C) 3600 MPa ISO 527-2Tensile stess ISO 527-2Yield, 23 C 95 MPaTest method of physical fomance ating unit systempopotion- 1.28 to 1.38 g/cm3 TM D79223 degees C 1.26 to 1.38 g/cm3 ISO 1183Melt flow ate (400 C/2.16 kg) 2 to 36 g/10 min TM D1238Dissolving volume flow ate (MVR) (380 degee C/10.0 kg) 14.1 to 23.8 cm3 /10min ISO 1133Shinkage ateFlow: 23 C 1.2 to 1.5% TM D955Tansvese flow: 23 C 1.4 to 1.9% TM DPEEK bandPEI Common PETIt is common in mineal wate bottle, cad beveage bottle and so on. When the tematue eaches 70 C, it is ey to defom and can not be loaded with liquo and oil at high tematue.The fomance of PET(1) the eal fomance PET esin is milk white tanslucent o cololess tanspaent body, the elative density is 1.38, and the tansmittance ate is 90%. PET is a medium baie mateial, and the tansmission coefficient of O2 is 50 to 90cm3 mm/ (m2. D MPa). The tansmission coefficient of CO2 is 180cm3 mm/ (M2 d). The wate absoption of PET is 0.6%, and the wate absobability is lage.(2) the tensile stength of PET film with mechanical poties is vey high, compaable to aluminum foil, 9 times of that of HDPE film, and 3 times that of PC and PA films. Enhanced PET h small ceep esistance, excellent fatigue esistance (bette than enhanced PC and PA), good wea esistance and good fiction esistance. The mechanical poties of PET ae less affected by tematue.(3) the themal poties of pue PET plt ae not vey high, but they ae geatly impoved afte enhanced teatment. The mechanical poties at 180 C ae bette than those of PF laminates, which is a good heat esistant vaiety of einfoced themopltic engineeing plt. The heat esistance of PET is good, the embittlement tematue is - 70 C, and still h a cetain toughness at - 30. PET is not ey to bun, the flame is yellow, and it dops.(4) although electical fomance PET is a pola polyme, it h excellent electical insulation and can still be kept well at high fequency. PET h poo coona esistance and can not be used fo high voltage insulation; the electical insulation is affected by tematue and humidity, and is geatly influenced by humidity.(5) envionmental fomance PET contains este bonds, which can not withstand wate, acid, and alkali unde the condition of high tematue and wate vapo. PET is stable fo oganic solvents such acetone, zene, toluene, thee chlooethane, cabon tetachloide and oil. It also h high esistance to e oxidants, such , hypochloite and potsium dichomate. PET h good weatheability and can be used fo a long time.



